Sunday, February 19, 2012

Oh yeah...and I'm getting a second degree

Over a string of events, I finally decided to get a second degree. Here's the process...

1. Life sucks sometimes. My take on it; admit it, feel it, look around and see if you need to change (as far as an aspect of self) or if your environment can change.

2. Inquire or research. I know I've now lost some of you, but lets be serious! If the change you are looking to make isn't something you've been contemplating for awhile or if this is a new area of subject matter for you, you would benefit from asking a bunch of questions. Look for people who have advice or who have made a similar decision. NOTE: when people are asking you "20 questions" and you don't know the answer, check yourself to see if you're getting mad at them and defending that "you should support me"...this is a sure sign that they actually do support you. Give that thought a whirl. ;)

3. Apply or try. Good intentions don't make changes...but changes are made through good intentions (and bad ones)...just remember that the outcome may not be good...and that's ok. At this point, just be sure to take action.

4. Evaluate. Am I sounding mechanical and boring? Well...honestly, the big part is making a start, but worthwhile success and high level achievement is met through optimizing. There's always a way to make it better...but it's not "better" if the path to get there causes "costs" or "pains" that you are not willing to incur. "No pain, no gain"...sure...BUT there comes a point where the pain just isn't worth it, right? Right.

So...very long story short, I am now a student of Supply Chain Management at Weber State University and I am VERY excited about it! The goal is to enhance my skills toolbox in business and of course, this can only help my philanthropic interests. Thank you to those of you who advise me. I've been attending for three semesters with 15 credits each semester, not too bad. Ok...laters.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Socially Awkward

Well, I've hit a wall in writing new music, but I have been working with Chas Burks to record some of the songs that are more or less done. Among these are "Socially Awkward", "Heya Heya: the stalker song", and "Fallen People".

The recording process is intense and frustrating, but overall a good experience. Being that you can hear every single mistake you make, I can see how a quality oriented musician can instantly turn diva on the recording technicians. I tried to keep reminding myself that I mean for this to be "raw" so that I have somewhere realistic to grow to. When can you get a copy of the music? Hopefully soon. I plan to load the music onto iTunes before Christmas. Once I do, I will explain some of the songs on this blog.

Hope y'all are having a fabulous day.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

From Corporate Ladder to Minimum Wage

I have recently quit a good job in corporate America to make half the money at McDonalds...yes, at minimum wage...straight to the bottom.

It was an interesting move motivated by God (too long of a story for this blog) that I had to make or I would have been miserable (you'd need to know God the way I do to understand that as well...perhaps I will post on that soon). Here I am in a VERY reputable company working with people that I have grown to deeply respect and I am now willingly thrust into the world of fast food. I've been there now for five months (quit my money job this month) and can honestly say that I love it to pieces! Everyone knows that McDonalds is a worldwide's due to GOOD BUSINESS! The more I learn about it, the more I respect it. Even from the BOTTOM (and I do mean the bottom)...everything every employee does is so incredibly important! EVERYONE is held, that doesn't always happen the right way...we are on planet earth after all...but it's reasonable.

The MOST interesting thing to watch, from my perch at minimum wage, is the manager's view of the employee and vice versa. Having been in management and training for a number of years, it is refreshing to solidify in my mind once again the utmost importance of verbal affirmation of what is observed and also verbal affirmation of respect. To respect someone or to be pleased with a level of performance is one thing...verbalize that respect or observation and you will supercharge everything you need to train staff or to run business more smoothly.

So...really, I haven't left the corporate world...I actually joined a larger this ladder is quite tall, I've taken some time to stretch before climbing...let's see what happens.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

When things suck...

Life...not always peaches-n-cream my friend. Sometimes things happen to you that suck; is this wrong? Should things always go in a bump-free, nostalgic way? Would life be better if complications simply went away or were able to be dealt with quickly? Wold I really be a better person in a conflict-free world. (If you're in a conflict right now that sucks the life out of you, you're probrobly saying, "Why, yes. Yes, it would." I feel for you, and I get it.)

Obviously, I'm going to contend those statements above...not to look on the brighter-side, which would be lame, but to look on the benefits. It sucks, believe me, I know, but the benefits rock! Think about a butterfly, if someone lessens the struggle out of the cocoon, it will prob never fly because it never developed the muscles it needs to fly by struggling out of the cocoon. I really think the key is your individual choice in the way you perceive the get to choose to view the situation as something that is ruining your life or get to choose to make it not feel like crap. End of the story...a conflict-free life would be boring...the end.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Friday, May 8, 2009

Vision of Hope

Being that I just got back from my best friend's wedding, it would seem that the wedding would be the topic of this blog...oddly enough, there's something BIGGER on my mind (more about the wedding later though).

While I was in Indiana, I got to visit the Vision of Hope for the second time in four months. Vision of Hope is a Christ-centered environment offering faith-based residential treatment for girls and women struggling with various issues from self harm to unplanned pregnancies and other abuses.

The thing I love most about Vision of Hope is that the girls there are continually pointed to Christ. Biblical counseling is practiced there and while the girls are not in counseling, they are serving others and eachother. I really have no idea what individual girls were there for-they are not permitted to talk about the issues of sin that brought them there but rather to talk about God...what I did catch is the sparkle in their eyes, the excitement in the things that they learn, and the amazing beauty in each of them. AAAaaahhhh! Every time, I go there, I leave a bit of myself there...

So here it is...please pray with me as I'm praying about giving a year of my life to work there...I'm holding off on sending my application in for another two weeks...I'd love your advice on this...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dating...ONLINE! wasn't always around but now, some of us can't see life without it. I'm just 28 (I think), but I remember days when you would walk to the nearest house and ask to use the phone...and they would say yes. Now, if someone has a flat tire and a good samaritan tries to help, the person in need usually says, "I called for help already" (aka-get away from me you stranger...I know you plan on killing me). But then when it comes to meeting a special someone...where do you go? How do you meet them? The men who know me don't seem I guess online is the way to go!
Doesn't this seem strange and wrong?! I won't let someone help me with a flat tire or other various car problems because I'm afraid that they're psycho...but I will cruise online to find "my perfect match". Are we out of our minds!!!???!!! ...well, I guess we are, because I'm online, lol

Tips for you out there...paid sites...hit and miss...people make snap judgements on your profile and/or your picture...when people say they want to make friends first and then see where it goes...they mean that they are new to the site and they mistakenly believe that it works. Secondly, people's just that simple...go ahead and meet them anyway, but drive yourself and make sure a friend knows where you are. Third, be prepared to meet some real jerks...I shouldn't need to explain, I mean, your meeting a guy (girl, for you male readers) from the internet! Third, there are some REALLY good free sites out there...OK Cupid is one of them. Sites that you pay for are usually more fruitful in metropolitan areas because there are a larger percentage of people on those sites...if you're in a rural area...try something locally targeted. (Or, you know, you could take a stab at getting to know people in the community and let that guy look at your smoking engine) HAHA